Reviewer Guidelines

1. Performing/submitting a review:

As a reviewer, you will be advising the editors who will make the final decision on a manuscript. The reviewer should provide feedback on all components of the article, including the methodology, results and discussion. The review should conclude with a recommendation: accept, accept with minor revisions, major revisions needed, or reject. Please refer to the Reviewer Guidelines which provides further guidance on completing reviews.

2. To complete a review:
  • Login to the Larix Editorial Manager website in the Reviewer role.
  • Ensure that you have accepted to perform the review (outlined above). Manuscripts that you have accepted to review will be located in your 'Pending Assignments' folder.
  • Click on 'View Submission' to access the PDF version of the manuscript.
  • Reviewer Guidelines can be viewed by clicking 'Submit Recommendation'. They can also be accessed here: Reviewer Guidelines
  • Reviewers can record their comments in a separate Word file or the original PDF (if they have the necessary Adobe software) that they can upload on the 'Submit Recommendation' page or complete the reviewer questions on the aforementioned webpage.
  • All reviewers are required to complete three questions on the 'Submit Recommendation' webpage in order to submit their recommendation. Once reviewers have completed and submitted their reviews and recommendation, they can inform the handling editor by clicking 'Send Email'. An acknowledgement email will also be received by the reviewer once the review has been successfully processed on the website.



Dr . Tahera Nazrin Nazrin
Fellow in Clinical and Interventional Pediatric-Cardiology(Singapore & India)
Paediatric Cardiologist Evercare Hospital Dhaka
Dr . Azzam Tarraf
Member of Syrian Cardiovascular Association
Dr . Raju Vyas
Consultant Cardiac Surgeon
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, Delhi
Dr . Tushar Tuliani
Interventional Cardiology
McKenzie Willamette Medical Center